Natural Weed Killer
Mix 1/4 c epson salt, 2c white vinegar and squirt of Dawn dishwashing liquid together for a great weed killer.
tip 2
Natural Fertilizer
Add crunched up eggshells as a natural fertilizer. This also recycles/ gives a use to the eggshells.
tip 3
natural fertilizer for acid loving plants
Add coffee grounds about a 1/2c to your potting soil per half bag. Coffee grounds retain nitrogen. Again your recycling. This is for acid loving plants like roses, blueberries,tomatoes and evergreens.
Tip 4
Garden Mums can come back each year with some care in Connecticut.
- Buy your Mums early and plant in yard in the Summer (July). Planting early establishes the plants roots.
- Plant closer to your house to get the warmth from your home.
- Watering: Keep Mums moist but not wet.
- Plant: In the sunlight with at least 6 hours of sun per day.
- Once established, if you see the plant budding before July 4th clip back plant/ buds. You won't hurt the plant and this will help you get Late Summer to Fall Blooms.
IN FEBRUARY - THINK SPRING - Start Seedlings inside. I normally start with herbs like basil, chives & dill but occasionally some other seed gets in the mix! Marigolds can be started early as well. If you received them at the Park Road Parade as the BClub gave out 100 packets of seeds. START them after St. Patrick's Day or for late summer color START them in June.