This class is for middle school students who are interested in improving their acting and performance technique. This class will be broken into three units to allow for in-depth study of various acting topics. Students will first study improvisation and ensemble building, then will move on to an in-depth study of creating a character using techniques for voice and body. For the final unit, students will be asked to incorporate what they have learned throughout the year into a devised theatre piece. The program will conclude with a showcase where they perform their original ensemble-generated performance.
Prerequisite: This class is for fifth graders who have already taken a Playhouse on Park acting class and have permission from the instructor, plus all sixth through eighth grade students.
Fee: $600. There is a once a year additional $15 registration fee.
Note: This class is a YEAR LONG class. This can be paid in 2 installments: 1st installment upon registration, 2nd installment by January 31st.
Discount: We do offer a 10% sibling discount.