Unfortunately, due to the weather, the 2015 Park Road Parade will be canceled.
The weather we are presently experiencing – light rain, wind, and cool temperatures – is expected to stay with us through tomorrow afternoon.
Each year the parade draws over 7,000 people to Park Road neighborhood and is televised on West Hartford Community TV, Comcast Channel 5. This year over 100 contingents will march the one-half mile route down Park Road, from South Highland Street to Jessamine Street. The parade duration is about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
The parade features bands, clowns, dancers, floats, antique cars, dogs of all shapes and sizes, sports mascots, color guards, businesses, civic and cultural organizations and town officials. Anything goes in this parade, from simple banners with marchers sporting the identical T-shirt, to elaborate costumes, dance numbers and floats.
Awards are given to Best Float, Best Overall Performance, Best Costume, Best Musical Performance, and Best Community Spirit. Be creative, you could win!